Grome Terrain Modeling with Ogre3D,UDK,and Unity3D

Who this book is for

If you’re a developer or technical artist looking for a companion guide to walk you through GROME 3.1 then this book will help you through those early steps through practical use.

Due to the sheer scope of GROME 3.1, it’s not possible to produce a definitive guide to everything in the space of a book this size. However, GROME is supplied with documentation covering these more technical aspects such as the plugin SDKs and scripting. It’s hoped that this book goes some way to getting you to the level where the user is comfortable enough to explore these features.

As mainstream game engines like Unity3D add more features supporting mobile platforms, independent developers are expanding the scope of what kind of games they can produce. GROME’s ability to take huge datasets designed for larger platforms and export them as suitable meshes for mobile platforms becomes a welcome tool in the artist’s toolbox. This text will show you how.