access rights
【英文】If you have split up from the mother of your children,you need to know about your rights,and whether or not you have automatic ‘parental responsibility’ for their upbringing.Any parent experiencing problems with father’s access rights should seek advice from a family lawyer.It’s good to remember that the law holds the welfare of the children as paramount and courts take the view that,unless the child’s safety or welfare is at risk,it is beneficial for the children to see both parents.
【解释】access rights有很多意思,如“接近权”、“进入权”、“访问权”。然而,在法律上,access rights 应理解为“探视权”。
1.Court action is seen as the last resort in issues of child access rights so it is important to try to come to an agreement with the mother of your child beforehand,whether it’s through solicitor negotiations or mediation.〔译文:向法院提起诉讼被看成是孩子探视权问题的最后手段。所以重要的是,无论通过律师的协商还是调解,事先都要与孩子的母亲达成协议。〕
2.Where all other avenues have been exhausted,father’s access rights to see children can be enforced by the court granting a contact order.A contact order requires that the parent the children live with allows the father access to the children.〔译文:如果穷尽了所有其他途径(均不能达到探视孩子的目的),法院可以通过签发接触令以执行父亲看望孩子的探视权。接触令要求与孩子共同生活的母亲容许父亲探望孩子。〕