Learning Selenium Testing Tools(Third Edition)

Self-test questions

  1. What color is an element bordered with when the Find button is clicked in Selenium IDE?
    1. Red.
    2. Green.
    3. Amber.
    4. Yellow.
  2. If you wanted to use JavaScript to find an element on the page, which strategy would you use to find it?
    1. ID.
    2. Name.
    3. DOM.
    4. CSS Selector.
    5. XPath.
  3. Pick two from the following to perform a partial match on an attribute on an element from the beginning of the value:
    1. contains().
    2. starts-with().
    3. ends-with().
  4. What is the most common way to find an element on a page?
    1. ID.
    2. XPath.
    3. CSS Selector.
    4. Name.
  5. If you wanted to find the sibling input that is after an input in the DOM, what will the XPath look like?
  6. What will the CSS look like for the previous question?