About the Reviewers
Vikas Shitole is a member of technical staff at VMware R&D, where he primarily contributes to the vCenter Server team. He has received the vExpert title for the years 2014 and 2015, arecognition received from the VMware community for his outstanding contributions to the virtualization & cloud computing community. Also, he is the author and owner of vThinkBeyondVM.com, a blog focused on VMware virtualization and cloud computing. He has completed his MTech in computer science from the VIT University, India, and holds VCP51, OCPJP 1.6, and MCTS certifications. He can be followed on Twitter at @vThinkBeyondVM
He was the technical reviewer of Getting started with VMware virtual SAN, Packt Publishing.
Aravind Sivaraman has over 9 years of experience in the IT field. He is currently working as a solution architect, providing the consultation, design, and delivery of complex IT infrastructure based on virtualization and cloud infrastructure solutions. He holds certification from VMware, Microsoft, and Cisco and has been awarded the VMware vExpert title for the last 3 years (2013-2015). He blogs at http://www.aravindsivaraman.com/ and can be followed on Twitter at @ss_aravind
He has coauthored VMware ESXi Cookbook and was the technical reviewer of Troubleshooting vSphere Storage and VMware vSphere Security Cookbook, all by Packt Publishing.