Apache Spark Deep Learning Cookbook

How to do it...

Follow the steps in this recipe to configure Ubuntu with VirtualBox on Windows:

  1. Initiate an Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager. Next, create a new virtual machine by selecting the New icon and specify the Name, Type, and Version of the machine, as seen in the following screenshot:
  1. Select Expert Mode as several of the configuration steps will get consolidated, as seen in the following screenshot:

Ideal memory size should be set to at least 2048 MB, or preferably 4096 MB, depending on the resources available on the host machine.

  1. Additionally, set an optimal hard disk size for an Ubuntu virtual machine performing deep learning algorithms to at least 20 GB, if not more, as seen in the following screenshot:
  1. Point the virtual machine manager to the start-up disk location where the Ubuntu iso file was downloaded to and then Start the creation process, as seen in the following screenshot:
  1. After allotting some time for the installation, select the Start icon to complete the virtual machine and get it ready for development as seen in the following screenshot: