Slider-related methods
The final section of the ControlBox class provides methods to increase or decrease the slider value. It is important to check two things when adjusting the slider value. First, we need to ensure the power is on. We can check that by making a call to our hasPower() method. The second check is to ensure we do not go outside the minimum-maximum range, as follows:
// Method to increase slider value
public void sliderIncrease () {
if (hasPower()) {
if (getSliderValue() < SLIDER_MAX) {
System.out.println(sliderValue); // simulate sending value to digital display
// Method to decrease slider value
public void sliderDecrease () {
if (hasPower()) {
if (getSliderValue() > SLIDER_MIN) {
System.out.println(sliderValue); // simulate sending value to digital display
The slider value can be used to manage temperature, volume, quantity, or other values based on what system the control box is integrated with. This demonstrates the command pattern.
This section featured the source code that demonstrates the command design pattern.