Lesson 17 We're meeting up to sign the lease later this after-noon.我们今天下午晚些时候碰面签租约。
Part 1 Real Life Situation
You and your partner are moving to a new apart-ment,and you've just decided where you're going to move.Now you're chatting on the phone with a friend,and you share the news with her.
We're meeting up to sign the lease later this afternoon.
Part 2 Pronunciation and intonation
So,in the sentence,pay attention to the pronunciation of these parts.
1."We're" is pronounced as/wi-jər/,be-cause words ending with/i/or/iː/naturally bring out the/j/sound before any vowels that follow.
1.“we're” 读作/wi-jər/,以/i/或/iː/结尾的单词在所有元音开头的单词前都应该加上/j/。
2.“meeting” 和 “later” 中的/t/弱读为/d/,“meeting up” 可以读作/miːtiŋˈʌp/或/miːtinˈʌp/。
2."Meeting" and "later" should be pro-nounced with/t/softened to/d/,and "meeting up" can be either/miːtiŋˈʌp/or/miːtinˈʌp/.
3.“to” 弱读为/tə/。
4.“lease” 的尾音发/s/,不是/z/。
3."To" should be reduced to/tə/.
4."lease" ends with/s/,not/z/.
5.“this afternoon” 连读。
5."this afternoon" is blended.
Now,let's focus on tone and intonation.
1.Say it with excitement because you are telling your friend you're moving into a new home.
2.重读 “lease” 和“afternoon”,这是你要传达的重要的信息。
2.Stress "lease" and "afternoon",be-cause they're the most important information.
Now,practice,and you will learn to say this sentence like a native speaker.
Part 3 My explanation
The first expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第1个表达是
meet up见面
The word "meet" has two basic meanings:
“meet” 这个词有两个基本含义:
● The first time you meet someone.
● 第一次见到某人并与他人交谈。
● You meet with someone who you already know.
● 与熟人见面。
The phrase "meet up" is useful because it only means the second definition of "meet".So it's better to say that you're "meeting up" with someone who you already know.
短语 “meet up” 较为常用,因为它只表示第二种含义,也就是与熟人见面。
Let's meet up next weekend.我们下周末见面吧!
If you say that you're meeting someone,it may sound like you don't know them yet.
如果用 “meeting” (会见)来表示与某人见面,听起来像是见一个不认识的人。
To identify the person that you're meeting,use"meet up with________".
为了表明与你见面的人的身份,用 “meet up with________”表示。
I met up with Jerry for drinks the other day,and he told me that you were engaged.Congratulations!
The second expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第2个表达是
later this ( week/month/year/etc.) (本周/月/年等) 晚些时候
You can explain when something is going to happen this way.
She's coming by later today.她今天晚些时候会来。
I'm moving to Miami later this year.今年晚些时候我要搬去迈阿密。
If today is Monday,"later this week" might be Wednesday,Thursday,or Friday.If today is Friday or Saturday,you probably won't use this expression.
如果今天是星期一,“later this week” 可能是指星期三、星期四或星期五。如果今天是星期五或星期六,就不能使用这个表达。
The third expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第3个表达是
sign the lease签订租约
A "lease" is a legal document for renting a house,apartment,business space,car,etc.It's an agreement between the owner and the renter.
“lease” 是用于租赁房屋、公寓、办公场所、汽车等的法律文件。是业主和承租人之间达成的协议。
To show that you accept a legal agreement like a lease,you "sign" your name.This means that you write your name in a way that is specific to you.
为表示你接受像租约这样具有法律效力的协议,你会 “签上” 你的姓名,意思是在指定的地方写下你的名字。
So when you're going to rent some property,you have to "sign the lease".
所以当你要租房时,你必须“sign the lease” (签订租约)。