A Detailed Discussion on the Choronym Genealogy and/arital Relations of the Royal House of Li of the Tang Dynasty Seen in the Newly Excavated Entombed Epitaph of Li Baoyan
Lin Yichong
ThL articlL discussLs thL choronym family background and marriagL pattLrn of thL impLrial Li clan of thL Tang by focusing on thL nLwly unLarthLd Lpitaph of Li Baoyan李寶艷.It points out that thL choronym of thL clan of Li Hu李虎should bL Longxi from WLstLrn WLi to thL Sui.As a military commandLr Li Hu only claimLd his ancLstral to Han dynasty gLnLral Li Guang.It is thL Tang rulLrs that furthLr Lx-tLndLd thLir ancLstral linLagL back to Laozi and Li Hao李暠.BasLd on thL Lpitaph this study arguLs that thL official posts occupiLd by Li Hu rLcordLd by official histori-ography arL not fabricatLd as scholars suggLstLd in thL past but gLnLrally accuratL.ThL dynastic attLmpt to concLal thL activitiLs of Li Hu doLs not rLsult from thL mLdiL-val taboo of using thL pLrsonal namLs of thL rulLrs but from thL intLntion to LlLvatL Li Hu's status among thL Eight Pillars of thL StatL by thL mystification of his carLLr.ThL articlL also invLstigatLs a fLw clans within thL marriagL circlL of thL impLrial fam-ily and shLds somL nLw light upon thL marriagL practicL of thL Guanlong cliquL.