The Master said, "High station filled without indulgent generosity; ceremonies performed without reverence; mourning conducted without sorrow;—wherewith should I contemplate such ways?"
24. A STRANGER'S VIEW OF THE VOCATON OF CONFUCIUS. E was a small town on the borders of Wei, referred to a place in the present dis. of 兰阳, dep.开封, Honan prov. Conf. was retiring from Wei, the prince of which could not employ him. This was the 丧(up.3d tone),=失位. The 1st and 3d见are read heen, low.3d tone,=通使得见, 'to introduce', or 'to be introduced'. 之 in 君子之至于斯也, has its prop. poss. power,—'In the case of a Keun-tzse's coming to this'. 从, low. 3d tone, 'to attend upon'. 二三子, 'Two or three sons', or 'gentlemen',= 'my friends'. The same idiom occurs elsewhere. The 木铎 was a metal ball with a wooden tongue, shaken to call attention to announcements, or along the ways to call people together. Heaven would employ Conf. to proclaim and call men's attention to the truth and right(道).
25. THE COMPARATIVE MERITS OF THE MUSIC OF SHUN AND WOO. 韶 was the name of the music made by Shun, perfect in melody and sentiment. 武 was the music of king Woo, also perfect in melody, but breathing the martial air, indicative of its author.
26. THE DISREGARD OF WHAT IS ESSENTIAL VITIATES ALL SERVICES. The meaning of the ch. turns upon 何以=何有, or 以何者, 'wherewith'. 宽 is see. to rulers, 敬 to ceremonies, and 哀 to mourning. If they be wanting, one has no standpoint to view what are only shams or semblances.