08 Reception Center of Younger Real Estate, Hangzhou杭州雅戈尔接待会所

About the residential sales content, the designers view it as a “life sale”. Because the residence is the prototype of all complex spaces. Returning to nature, it not only can be the simplest carrier, but also is the container of containing a variety of complex life modes, functions and behaviors. The Designers are always good at making things return to the most basic nature but easily fall into the complex operating skill means as well. It is very fortunate that "Reception Center of Younger Real Estate in Hangzhou" can get the substantial support of the owners and the owners adopt the designers' "visible"design tactics which are approximate to "none" – designers hope to create a "space"with the simplest technique. This is a mini building with entirely different appearances between outside and inside, occlude each other by two boxes. To the base conditions, the designers only hope that the whole building seems more light by means of shrinking and shattering. The designers also hope that the block façade has a quiet, friendly and elegant atmosphere to reveal from inside to outside. The whole program plan combines "flower·reading·performing" and blends them into space. Of course, light, shadow, day and evening are the designers' important medium in the abstract meaning.

关于住宅的销售内容,我们把它视为一种“生活的销售”。因为,住宅是一切复杂空间的原型。回到本质,它既可以是一个最为单纯的载体,又是一个包容着各种复杂生活模式、功能、行为的容器。设计师总是善于把事物回归到本质,却又容易掉入复杂的操作技巧手段。“杭州雅戈尔接待会所”很庆幸地得到业主的大力支持,采用我们近乎于“无”的“可视”设计技巧——希望透过最为单纯的手法建构出一个空间。这是一个由两个盒子相互咬合在室外与室内截然不同面貌的微型建筑。从基地条件来说,只是单一地希望能借由退缩以及打碎让整个量体更显轻盈。街区里面也希望能够由内而外透露一种安静、友善、优雅的气息。整个项目的规划,则是将 “花·阅读·展演”结合并且融入空间之中。当然,光、影、白天、傍晚,也是我们在抽象意义里的重要媒介。

从入口转折进入到室内,分为左右两侧大空间。然而,挑空、挑高让压缩后的入口得以舒展。两个相互对话的挑高空间所呈现的光影以及气氛,各有不同也具有不同的功能属性。在背墙的处理上,让它独立于整个空间正中心。同时,也衔接了左右两侧空间以及垂直的上下空间。透过不同的时间与光线的自然变换,室内将呈现出多种不同的面貌与姿态,实际多于想象。在材料的运用上,尽量选择无特征、洁净的材料。用意无他,只希望整个空间内外所呈现的都是与自然元素碰撞产生的结果。这是一个我们定义为 “生活美术馆”的“任何空间容器”。也就是说,透过这样的思考模式以及实体验证,我们企望除了建筑与环境的共容关系,还能达到空间与人的心理对话。