

1.ACA: Adaptive Conjoint Analysis,适应性联合分析

2.ANOVA: Analysis of Variance,方差分析

3.AMA: American Marketing Association,美国市场营销学会

4.AVE: Average Variances Extracted,平均变异抽取量

5.BG: Bidding Game,投标博弈

6.BNL: Binary Logit,二项(元)Logit

7.CA: Conjoint Analysis,联合分析

8.CAC: Codex Alimentarius Commission,联合国食品法典委员会

9.CBC: Choice-based Conjoint,基于选择的联合分析

10.CE: Choice Experiment,选择实验

11.CAP: Common Agricultural Policy,共同(公共)农业政策

12.CF: Conventional Food,常规食品

13.CM: Causal Model,因果模型

14.CNCA: Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China,中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会

15.CGFDC: China Green Food Development Center,中国绿色食品发展中心

16.CTA: Cluster Analysis,聚类分析

17.EA: Experimental Auctions,拍卖实验

18.CVM: Contingent Valuation Method,条件价值评估法

19.DC: Dichotomous Choice,二分式选择

20.DCM: Discrete Choice Model,离散选择模型

21.EFA: Exploratory Factor Analysis,探索性因子分析

22.EU: European Union,欧盟

23.FA: Factor Analysis,因子分析

24.FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,联合国粮农组织

25.FGD: Focus Group Discussions,焦点小组座谈

26.FFD: Fractional Factorial Design,部分因子设计

27.FIBL: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Switzerland,瑞士有机农业研究院

28.FPA: Full Profile Approach,全轮廓法

29.FSRP: Food Safety Risk Perception,食品安全风险感知

30.IFOAM: International Federationof Organic Agriculture Movements,国际有机农业运动联合会

31.IIA: Independence from Irrelevant Alternatives,不相关独立选择

32.IIE: Index on Integrative Evaluating for Purchase or No-purchase Reason,多重选择的综合评价指数

33.IMF: Infant Milk Formula,婴幼儿配方奶粉

34.INPOP: Indian National Programme for Organic Production,印度有机产品国家规范

35.ISO: International Organization for Standardization,国际标准化组织

36.JAS: Japan Agricultural Standard,日本农业标准

37.JONA: Japan Organic&Natural Foods Association,日本有机和自然食品协会

38.LCM: Latent Class Model,潜类别模型

39.ML: Mixed Logit,混合Logit

40.MNL: Multiomial Logit,多项Logit

41.MGSEM: Multiple Group Structural Equation Model,多群组结构方程模型

42.MRA: Moderated Regression Analysis,柔性回归分析

43.MVP: Multivariate Probit,多变量Probit

44.NOP: National Organic Program of the United States,美国国家有机食品规范

45.NOSB: US National Organic Standards Board,美国有机标准国家委员会

46.OCIA: Organic Crop Improvement Association,美国有机作物改良协会

47.OE: Open-ended,开放式

48.OF: Organic Food,有机食品

49.OFCC: China Organic Food Certification Center,中绿华夏有机食品认证中心

50.OFDC: Organic Food Development Center,南京国环有机产品认证中心

51.OMIC: Japan Ovseas Merchandise Inspection Company,日本海外货物检查株式会社

52.PA: Path Analysis,路径分析

53.PC: Payment Card,支付卡

54.PCA: Principal Component Analysis,主成分分析

55.PII: Personal Involvement Inventory,个人卷入量表

56.PP: Price Premium,价格溢出

57.RPM: Revealed Preference Method,显示性偏好法

58.SA: Self-explicated Approach,自我阐释方法

59.SDC: Single Dichotomous Choice,单边界两分选择法

60.SEM: Structural Equation Model,结构方程模型

61.SGS: Societe Generale de Surveillance S. A., 欧洲通用公证行

62.SPM: Stated Preference Method,陈述性偏好法

63.TMA: Theory of Multi-attribute Attitude,多属性态度理论

64.TPB: Theory of Planned Behavior,计划行为理论

65.TRA: Theory of Reasoned Action,理性行为理论

66.UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,联合国贸易与发展会议

67.USDA: United States Department of Agriculture,美国农业部

68.WHO: World Health Organization,世界卫生组织

69.WTO: World Trade Organization,世界贸易组织

70.WTA: Willingness to Accept,最小接受补偿意愿

71.WTP: Willingness to Pay,支付意愿