[Our landlady turned pale; - no doubt she thought there was a screw loose in my intellects, - and that involved the probable loss of a boarder.A severe-looking person, who wears a Spanish cloak and a sad cheek, fluted by the passions of the melodrama, whom Iunderstand to be the professional ruffian of the neighboring theatre, alluded, with a certain lifting of the brow, drawing down of the corners of the mouth, and somewhat rasping VOCE DI PETTO, to Falstaff's nine men in buckram.Everybody looked up.I believe the old gentleman opposite was afraid I should seize the carving-knife; at any rate, he slid it to one side, as it were carelessly.]
I think, I said, I can make it plain to Benjamin Franklin here, that there are at least six personalities distinctly to be recognized as taking part in that dialogue between John and Thomas.
Three Johns.
1.The real John; known only to his Maker.
2.John's ideal John; never the real one, and often very unlike him.
3.Thomas's ideal John; never the real John, nor John's John, but often very unlike either.
Three Thomas.
1.The real Thomas.
2.Thomas's ideal Thomas.
3.John's ideal Thomas.
Only one of the three Johns is taxed; only one can be weighed on a platform-balance; but the other two are just as important in the conversation.Let us suppose the real John to be old, dull, and ill-looking.But as the Higher Powers have not conferred on men the gift of seeing themselves in the true light, John very possibly conceives himself to be youthful, witty, and fascinating, and talks from the point of view of this ideal.Thomas, again, believes him to be an artful rogue, we will say; therefore he is, so far as Thomas's attitude in the conversation is concerned, an artful rogue, though really simple and stupid.The same conditions apply to the three Thomases.It follows, that, until a man can be found who knows himself as his Maker knows him, or who sees himself as others see him, there must be at least six persons engaged in every dialogue between two.Of these, the least important, philosophically speaking, is the one that we have called the real person.No wonder two disputants often get angry, when there are six of them talking and listening all at the same time.
[A very unphilosophical application of the above remarks was made by a young fellow, answering to the name of John, who sits near me at table.A certain basket of peaches, a rare vegetable, little known to boarding-houses, was on its way to me VIA this unlettered Johannes.He appropriated the three that remained in the basket, remarking that there was just one apiece for him.I convinced him that his practical inference was hasty and illogical, but in the mean time he had eaten the peaches.]
- The opinions of relatives as to a man's powers are very commonly of little value; not merely because they sometimes overrate their own flesh and blood, as some may suppose; on the contrary, they are quite as likely to underrate those whom they have grown into the habit of considering like themselves.The advent of genius is like what florists style the BREAKING of a seedling tulip into what we may call high-caste colors, - ten thousand dingy flowers, then one with the divine streak; or, if you prefer it, like the coming up in old Jacob's garden of that most gentlemanly little fruit, the seckel pear, which I have sometimes seen in shop-windows.It is a surprise, - there is nothing to account for it.All at once we find that twice two make FIVE.Nature is fond of what are called "gift-enterprises." This little book of life which she has given into the hands of its joint possessors is commonly one of the old story-books bound over again.Only once in a great while there is a stately poem in it, or its leaves are illuminated with the glories of art, or they enfold a draft for untold values signed by the million-fold millionnaire old mother herself.But strangers are commonly the first to find the "gift" that came with the little book.
It may be questioned whether anything can be conscious of its own flavor.Whether the musk-deer, or the civet-cat, or even a still more eloquently silent animal that might be mentioned, is aware of any personal peculiarity, may well be doubted.No man knows his own voice; many men do not know their own profiles.Every one remembers Carlyle's famous "Characteristics" article; allow for exaggerations, and there is a great deal in his doctrine of the self-unconsciousness of genius.It comes under the great law just stated.This incapacity of knowing its own traits is often found in the family as well as in the individual.So never mind what your cousins, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and the rest, say about that fine poem you have written, but send it (postage-paid)to the editors, if there are any, of the "Atlantic," - which, by the way, is not so called because it is A NOTION, as some dull wits wish they had said, but are too late.
- Scientific knowledge, even in the most modest persons, has mingled with it a something which partakes of insolence.Absolute, peremptory facts are bullies, and those who keep company with them are apt to get a bullying habit of mind; - not of manners, perhaps;they may be soft and smooth, but the smile they carry has a quiet assertion in it, such as the Champion of the Heavy Weights, commonly the best-natured, but not the most diffident of men, wears upon what he very inelegantly calls his "mug." Take the man, for instance, who deals in the mathematical sciences.There is no elasticity in a mathematical fact; if you bring up against it, it never yields a hair's breadth; everything must go to pieces that comes in collision with it.What the mathematician knows being absolute, unconditional, incapable of suffering question, it should tend, in the nature of things, to breed a despotic way of thinking.