The comtesse de Bearn--The supper--Louis XV--Intrigues against my presentation--M. de Roquelaure--The scalded foot--The comtesse d'Aloigny--The duc d'Aiguillon and madame de Bearn--Anger of the king's daughters--Madame Adelaide and the comtesse du Barry--Dissatisfaction of the kingM. Morand was again put in requisition, and went from me to ask madame de Bearn to come and sup at my apartments. We were in committee--my sisters-in-law, myself, and comte Jean. The comtesse made some difficulties at first, under pretence that she was afraid to refuse me a second time. Our messenger assured her by saying, that a supper would not bind her to any thing, and that she should still be at liberty to give any reply she pleased. Madame de Bearn allowed herself to be persuaded, and sent me word that she would accept my invitation. She would have reflected twice before she so far committed herself, had she at all suspected the turn we meant to serve her. But I saw by the wording of her note, that she still hoped that the king would be induced to grant me the written promise which I asked for her.
She came. I received her with all possible courtesy, and yet not with much heartiness. I could not help remembering the vexatious terms she set upon her complaisance. However, the supper was gay enough, comte Jean and my sisters-in-law, who knew very well how to dissemble, did the honors in a most agreeable way. On leaving table we went into the drawing-room, and then began to discuss the serious question which had brought us together. At the first words which comte Jean uttered, madame de Bearn, taking my hands with a respectful familiarity, said to me:--"I hope, madame, that you will not have a bad opinion of me, if Iput such conditions to my desire of obliging you. The situation of my family requires it, but it is only a trifle for the king to grant.""Much more than you imagine, madame," I replied. "The king does not care to involve himself in such engagements. He does not like, moreover, that his sacred word should be doubted.""Ah?" replied the cunning creature, "heaven forbid that I should not blindly trust to the king's word, but his memory may fail, or he, like other men, may forget.""Madame," replied comte Jean, with the utmost gravity, "madame is a lady as full of prudence as of kindness, but yet a little too exacting. Madame wishes to have a promise signed for herself and son: that is too much. Why does she not content herself in dividing the difficulty, by satisfying herself with a verbal promise for what concerns herself, and with a written engagement for what relates to her son?""," replied the countess, "I am anxious to arrange all to our mutual satisfaction. But his majesty would not surely refuse the entreaties of madame for what I ask.""I will speak to him of it the first time I see him.""Oh, you are a charming woman. You will obtain all from the king, and make a sure friend--""Whose friendship is very difficult to acquire," said I, interrupting her.
The countess would have replied to this, when my first , opening the two folding-doors of the room, announced the king.
At this unexpected name my guest trembled, and in spite of the thick rouge which covered her cheeks, I perceived she turned pale.
She then saw the scene we had prepared for her: she wished herself a hundred leagues off: but she could do nothing, but remain where she was. I took her by the hand, all trembling as she was, and presented her to the king, saying,"Sire, I now do for this lady, in my own drawing-room, what she will have the kindness to do for me at the state-chamber.""Ah," replied the king, "is it madame de Bearn that you present to me? I am indeed delighted. Her husband was one of my faithful servants: I was much pleased with her son when he was one of pages, and I perceive that she herself is desirous of testifying to me her attachment to my person. I thank you, madame; you cannot confer a greater favor on me, and I shall embrace every opportunity of proving to you how much satisfaction your conduct affords me."Each word that the king uttered went to the heart of the countess.
However, making a virtue of necessity, she replied, that she was proud and happy at what the king had said to her, and that it would be her constant aim to please his majesty, flattering herself that the king would remember the services of the Bearn family, and would think of her in the dispensation of his bounties.
"You may rely on it, madame," replied Louis XV, "especially if the comtesse du Barry applies to me in your behalf."Then, turning towards me, "When, then, is this redoubtable presentation to take place?""On the day, sire, when your majesty shall think proper," I replied.
"Well! I will send the duc de Richelieu to you, who will arrange the whole."This settled, the subject was turned, but madame de Bearn lost her tongue entirely. In spite of all her endeavors, her forehead became contracted every moment, and I am sure she went away vexed and disappointed.
The following morning, the comte Jean and my sister-in-law went to her house. They testified their regret for what had occurred the previous evening; they assured her that we would not take any advantage of the conditionless engagement which she had made to present me, and that altho' it was impossible to ask the required guarantees from the king, still we should most undeviatingly adhere to the clauses of the treaty: they added, that they came to enquire when she should choose to receive the hundred thousand livres. The countess replied, that in spite of the real disadvantage which she must henceforward labor under in this affair, she felt great friendship for me, and would not refuse to oblige me, and she flattered herself that I would espouse her cause with the king. The comte Jean assured her of this, and settled with her the period of the payment of the hundred thousand livres, which were to be paid at sight on her drawing on M. de la Borde, the court-banker.