更新时间:2021-07-14 10:39:25
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Chapter 1. IoT and Decision Science
Understanding the IoT
Demystifying M2M IoT IIoT and IoE
Digging deeper into the logical stack of IoT
The problem life cycle
The problem landscape
The art of problem solving
The problem solving framework
Chapter 2. Studying the IoT Problem Universe and Designing a Use Case
Connected assets & connected operations
Defining the business use case
Sensing the associated latent problems
Designing the heuristic driven hypotheses matrix (HDH)
Chapter 3. The What and Why - Using Exploratory Decision Science for IoT
Identifying gold mines in data for decision making
Exploring each dimension of the IoT Ecosystem through data (Univariates)
Studying relationships
Exploratory data analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Chapter 4. Experimenting Predictive Analytics for IoT
Resurfacing the problem - What's next?
Linear regression - predicting a continuous outcome
Decision trees
Logistic Regression - Predicting a categorical outcome
Chapter 5. Enhancing Predictive Analytics with Machine Learning for IoT
A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning
Ensemble modeling - random forest
Ensemble modeling - XGBoost
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Packaging our results
Chapter 6. Fast track Decision Science with IoT
Setting context for the problem
Defining the problem and designing the approach
Exploratory Data Analysis and Feature Engineering
Building predictive model for the use case
Packaging the solution
Chapter 7. Prescriptive Science and Decision Making
Using a layered approach and test control methods to outlive business disasters
Connecting the dots in the problem universe
Story boarding - Making sense of the interconnected problems in the problem universe
Implementing the solution
Chapter 8. Disruptions in IoT
Edge/fog computing
Cognitive Computing - Disrupting intelligence from unstructured data
Next generation robotics and genomics
Autonomous cars
Privacy and security in IoT
Chapter 9. A Promising Future with IoT
The IoT Business model - Asset or Device as a Service
Smartwatch – A booster to Healthcare IoT
Smart healthcare - Connected Humans to Smart Humans
Evolving from connected cars to smart cars